
Outer Beauty Importance

"Inner Beauty is important, but not nearly as important as outer beauty." - Ellen Degeneres, CoverGirl Commercial.

Really? I honestly could not believe my ears when I first heard that line in the commercial. I thought, "No way. They did not actually say that..." I mean, I've known all along that makeup commercials and all these age-defiers obviously are saying that in the undertones, but the fact that they would actually come out and say it just floored me.

And what else killed me was that no one in the media (that I saw) seemed to notice this blatant remark. Instead, the focus was on how Ellen is the first lesbian and first woman over fifty on a CoverGirl commercial or something to that sort. Why is the fact that she said that being so ignored? Seriously. Is it because they'll then have to say, "Well, that's what the commercial is saying anyway, whether it's vocalized or not"? Perhaps. I think it's very likely at least.

I just read a comment saying that she is just being sarcastic as a comedian. Really? It sounds pretty genuine to me (as much as an obviously scripted line can), and the fact that she then goes on to promote the product suggests to me that there is no sarcasm at all. Why would a company take a sarcastic stab like that and actually publicize it as their own commercial? I could see if they were being sarcastic and have her say afterwards something like, "Well, not really, but Covergirl whatever-product can help you feel your outer beauty." I just don't see it as a comedic thing.

And comedic jab or not, there are many out there, like myself who don't see it. Many of those who don't see it, I'm sure, are those who will also believe the words. They will take the words to heart and feel horribly about themselves.

Good job CoverGirl. I hope you're proud, because I'm sure you pulled in more insecure consumers with this commercial.
