
Media, You Make Me Sick

These are my reactions, disgusted and outraged, with things that CNN anchors were saying on January the 14th, which was among the first days of the Haiti Earthquake coverage, I think. For whatever reason, I only thought to post this here just now.

The italics are quotes or near-quotes from CNN anchors. (I went from memory, but they're close.)

"We warn you, some of the images you are about to see may be disturbing."

Disturbing? Really? Perhaps you are just saying that to cover yourself legally, but I personally don't find the images of crumbling and fallen buildings crowding the streets to be "disturbing". In fact, I'd go to say that that is not disturbing-we go to the movies to see that and these real life images aren't any different other than the fact that they won't go away when the cameras do (now that's disturbing).

What I find disturbing are the images of the true devastation to human life. For instance, the injured-none of which you are really showing. You've done a good job at picking the un-physically-affected people, haven't you? Or maybe you just can't show the devastation on human life beyond bodies covered in sheets and blanket and sobbing family members. That's not to say that I'm sadistic enough that I want to see mangled forms, but if you're going to show the true impact of the situation, show us what can't be rebuilt. Edifices can be replaced. Human life cannot.

And if you find these images so disturbing, why is your voice flat? Why are your eyes dead? Why don't you cringe?

"It was such a fragile country to begin with."

And yet you didn't care about it until you could ream a story from it. Amazing how it takes a natural disaster for us to pay attention to a place that needs help.

"Even the president wasn't spared."

And you expected he would be? You expected the quake to come along and say, "Oh! This is the pres' house! I must not touch!" and then mosey along on its way while conveniently leaving his house standing? If you did…then you're a moron.

"President homeless."

I'm glad at least he has the right idea. Let's focus on helping others, shall we? Instead of like you want to do. All you want to do is focus on where he's going to sleep tonight. What about everyone else? They're just as homeless as he is, but you don't care about them, do you? They're not as important, it seems.

"We've heard that all this relief has been sent to help, but we're still seeing the same images."

Seriously? You just said that? Look, honey, it's not going to be immediate sunshine and rainbows just because the ever-mighty U.S sent a bunch of help in metal flying machines. If anything, maybe we should expect it to get worse, considering the 'help' that has been sent to other countries. If you want immediate results, go watch a movie.

"I'm sure we'll hear many more amazing survival stories as the days go on."

It's fantastic that there are survivors, but all you seem to care about are the stories. Here I see your eyes light up and a smile tug at your lips, which I find more disturbing than any of the images I've seen so far. How dare you think only of the story when this is real life disaster? People's lives are at stake and all you care about is getting the big scoop. Stop thinking like a reporter with a quota and start thinking like a compassionate human being. You make me sick.

I had to turn of the T.V. and walk away here, so thoroughly disgusted with you that I would only get angrier if I continued. Only get louder in yelling at the television (even though that does nothing more than let me vent into the air).

I'm so happy that you care when you can get a story out of it. I'm so thrilled that your eyes light up when there is death and destruction for you to talk about. I'm ecstatic that you now have something to talk about for the next week and a half instead of how crumby the economy is or that guy who said Obama was a good candidate because he was "light skinned" and doesn't speak in "negro dialect". Good for you.

Yes, I'm thoroughly disgusted.

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