
The Occult and...Pokemon?

This is an old rant of sorts that I wrote back in October of 2005 and it was and still is posted on my deviantART account among my journals. After the original post, I will put some new things I've thought of concerning the matter.

Apparently, it's true. According to THIS website, Pokemon are somehow linked to the occult. They are also accused of being "overtly evil", along with the likes of Sailor Moon and Star Wars, not to mention Magic Cards. From what I gather, they are trying to imply that these things, but especially Pokemon will corrupt the youth. Now, I'm not sure as to how recent this website is as of yet, however I find this highly ridiculous and I think these people need to be whacked over the head with a beer bottle.

Yes, watch, dear parents, as we all become corrupt by the likes of Pokemon and depend solely on the Pokemon for our lives! *rolls eyes* I hope this isn't a recent website (I'm typing as I go along reading the website, so I don't know), seeing as Pokemon has been around for years and years, but if it is, oh boy. Come on people, don't you think they're taking this all a bit too seriously? I mean, it's just a television show/game and sure, there are some children who probably have trouble discerning reality from fiction, however I highly doubt it will corrupt them. Say by some chance it did "corrupt" some poor child. What are they going to do? Throw a toy Pokeball at us and shout "I choose you!" and await the Pokemon's arrival (though it will never come)? And if the child becomes so obsessed with the Pokemon world, then what do you do? Go see a shrink, for God's sake!

I find it preposterous how solely Pokemon is being blamed in this case. It could just as easily be any other video game or television show from anywhere around the world. According to this website, Pokemon disrupt families and classrooms. So what? Once again, it could just as easily be any other video game or television show, and I repeat, from anywhere around the bloody world. Just because Pokemon is a big hit doesn't mean it's connected with the Occult or any other forms of evil. Do these people honestly think that it's out there to corrupt youth?

I know South Park did an episode pertaining to this. They, of course, changed the name of Pokemon to Chinpokomon and made the characters to collect ridiculous, but the idea is still the same the way I see it. In this South Park episode, the Japanese people, who created the Chinpokomon, were plotting to take the youth of America and turn them against the government. I have a feeling they were making fun of the very situation I am speaking of and merely trying to show that it is just a "fad" or completely harmless, which I see it to be. I honestly don't think these Pokemon will lead to some rebellion of children and teenagers (perhaps even some adults) that are going to help the Japanese people take over and destroy the world.

The mantra "Gotta catch `em all!" is apparently driving the children to buy, and I quote, "more occult cards, games, toys, gadgets, and comic books". They are not occult cards, for one, and for two, that's called advertising *sarcastic gasp here* Oh no! God forbid advertising! Might as well just kill the television if people are going to get worked up over that.

While I cannot find a copyright date for these accusations, I assume that these come from 1999, as there are several references to Pokemon episodes and other things from that year. So, why I am going on about this "old news"? Well, for one, I must have missed this "old news" when it was actually happening because I cannot recall any of these accusations reaching my area of living. Perhaps I was just sheltered to it, however I once liked Pokemon as well (not so much that I wanted to "catch `em all", but I liked them nonetheless), so I don't see how I would be sheltered to it.

I was actually researching The Occult because I may discuss it for a speech topic for one of my classes, yet I stumbled upon this. This website declaring Pokemon evil. Now, whereas I find this stupid beyond reason, I also find it oddly amusing and fascinating that people really thought this stuff up. Go figure that it's a Christian website. I'm sorry if that offended anyone, but honestly all they accusations, not just pertaining to Pokemon, but to anything, about children's "fads" being connected to the occult always seem to come from a Christian groups or some other "good" religious group. Like the whole incident with Harry Potter for instance. I remember the big hullabaloo (^^; silly word) about that when Harry Potter was first published and I wouldn't doubt that it still happens all these years later.

Some of you may be thinking "Oh, look at this fifteen year old, sitting at her computer reading these things degrading anime. She's all upset and is now trying to defend it..." Blah, blah blah. Honestly, if you're thinking exactly that, I'm creeped out, but if you're thinking anything like that, you *insert really nasty threats here*. Sure, I adore anime, but I personally strongly dislike Pokemon these days. If you want my opinion on it, I think it's a very sad excuse for an anime. Sure, the first time it came out the idea was cool, but it just keeps going and going, like the Energizer bunny. Whom I'm defending more here are the Japanese who are being accused of trying to corrupt basically the world, starting with the young and impressionable minds. Perhaps I'm being highly rashional and blowing this way out of proportion, but I don't think I am. Read what's on the website (link above). What I've spoken about is what I read on less than half the page. Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous. -_-; Stupid people and their crazy ideas... I couldn't help but rant about it and point out what I see as stupid.

Heh, I think I'll silence myself now and go read more about this "Pokemon Occult" and then maybe find a website that actually tells me about a real occult so I can write my speech...

03/26/08 - Apparently the website I referenced there is not longer in existance. Oh well. XD It was funny.

The New Part

First I'd like to mention that I've refound the article. Apparently, I either typed in the url incorrectly before or the webmaster changed it from a .com or a .org. In any case, here it is: How Pokemon and Magic Cards Affect the Minds and Values of Children

Secondly, I'd like to establish that I'm not out to bash religion. Nothing of the like; though I'm agnostic, I respect others' religious beliefs and values, even if my old entry doesn't seem to reflect that (I was less mature and less composed back then). Being agnostic, the way I understand it, is like saying I don't know if God or some higher being exists; maybe he/she/they does/do. How am I to know? Degrading someone else's religion isn't going to benefit me in any way and only creates hatred.

At the time I wrote the above 'rant' back in 2005, I don't think I really had a full understanding of the intention and function of mantras. Regardless, to this day, I still don't see Pokemon as being anything Occult-like in nature. That's just ridiculous.

I can see how the mantra of "Gotta Catch 'Em All" would stick with a kid and influence them to want to buy all the Pokemon products. HOWEVER, that isn't really occultish, is it? Sure, this desire to "catch 'em all" could lead the family to harm, causing financial strain and the bit, but I'm sorry, if you can't control your child enough to say "no" and that he/she can't have EVERY toy/game/item he/she wants, then "catch[ing] 'em all" is going to be the least of your worries.

What is the occult? Well, I can't say I've done extensive research on it, so the true meaning the the occult could elude me. In my eyes, though, the occult is something of a dark and sinister nature that ultimately has evil intentions. Am I way off base? You tell me.

I suppose religiously--speaking from my impressions of the article--that it is something that goes against the religion in the sense that it creates a false idol. Again, I'm not extensively researched on religion either, just going from impressions. I can understand how this would concern someone with religious beliefs. You know my solution?


It's as simple as that. If you take the time and make the effort to actually inform your children about the difference between what's real and what's pretend, the world will be a lovely place. In my opinion, parents have so many problems with their children like the article speaks of because they rely on said media to raise their children. Please, that won't get you any farther than you already are. And depriving your child of a fad or something that interests him/her will only make him/her crawl all the closer to it behind your back.

Yes, I see at the very end of the article there that it says for parents to direct these sorts of questions at their child. Good for them. I'm not being sarcastic there. I seriously think that's a good idea (I did just perscribe talking to your child, yes?). BUT, I don't know that I entirely agree with those questions/suggestions.

"2. Share your observations. Spark awareness in a young child with comments such as, "That monster looks mean!" or "That creature reminds me of a dragon," along with "Did you know that in the Bible, serpents and dragons always represent Satan and evil?"" Yes, I understand that serpents and dragons are represtentative of evil in the Bible and the Christian world, but serpents and dragons have entirely different meanings in other cultures and religions. Let's look at Japanese culture, since Pokemon is from Japan.

Again I don't claim to be an expert and am instead going from my understanding of the culture through anime, manga, Japanese film and television and what little I do know from what little research I have done. The way I see it, dragons are often depicted as gods in their culture. I see the problem for Christians right there, BUT I don't see these dragons as being evil. Again, the way I see it, Japanese dragons are more revered than thought of as evil entities in which we need to watch out for.

In my views, dragons being the symbol and epitome of evil are both "western" and probably even Christian originated views. I'm not putting down Christianity, I'm just saying that those from Asian culture--THOSE WHO CREATED THE SHOW/SERIES--would not necessarily see dragons as being ultimately evil then, would they? They don't necessarily have the same views as we western folk do. Really, does Dragonite look all that mean to you?

I'm not saying then that all the dragons in Pokemon are going to be good then. Of course not, that would be ridiculous. Instead, I'm going to look at it like people. Some people are good, some people are bad. We all share the same (generally speaking) form, but if you were to call all of us bad or all of us good, people would be up in your face about it. Therefore, saying all dragons and serpents are evil, to me, is the same sort of deal. It's not necessarily true.

If you want to teach your child your religious beliefs, go for it. All the power to you. However, I would also suggest teaching them to be open-minded and creative. What do I know, right? How can an agnostic possibly understand the Christian point of view?

I'll have you know that I was raised Christian. Baptized, Sunday-school attendee and everything. My family did teach me the things that God wants His followers to know, and I certainly went to church every Sunday up until I was about twelve. Even with their teachings, though, I was still taught open-mindedness and my parents didn't try to squish my imagination into little bits just because my playing of pretend didn't fit with the Bible's laws of existance. (If they had, I could hardly see how I would be an aspiring writer now.) I know, now you're going to say their teaching me open-mindedness is what has led me to being agnostic, right? Maybe you're right, I don't know for sure. BUT, being agnostic, I'm not denying God's existance, am I? I'm just saying I don't know. (Admittedly, however, watching Zeitgeist has tainted my view of Christianity a little.)

Seriously though, I hardly believe that the creators of Pokemon are trying to warp the young minds of children and turn them all evil. And not that I play "Magic", but I don't think there is anything really sinister behind that either. It's called pretend. Make believe. Using your imagination. Please, don't squash imagination. Help shape it. When has destruction ever led to good?

Of course I'm biased in my opinion, just like the author of the article I'm making reference to was biased in his/hers. No matter how objective we try to be, some of our bias will ultimately leak in. We choose which information we want to represent our theses after all.

And parents, you're worried about Pokemon, Magic, Star Wars, Sailor Moon and Harry Potter, yes? Do you let your kids watch Disney films? If you said yes, then you should really take a step back and look at those pieces of work. I'm not going to say anything extensively horrible about Disney here because personally I think some of it is being looked into a bit too much, that and Disney doesn't like people talking bad about their corporation. Instead, let me direct you to the film Mickey Mouse Monopoly and it'll open your eyes to some of Disney's films that everyone coos over as being amazing and harmless. I'm not sure I agree with all that film says, as I've already indicated, but some of it is shocking.

Oh, and just as an end note, I'd like to state that I don't abhor Pokemon to the extent that I seemed to in my previous 'posting'. Rather, I'm just not a rabid, crazy fan of it. I don't even watch the show (I HAVE seen some episodes AND the movies, though); I think some of those Pokemon are cute though.

All mentioned products/television shows/websites and so forth are copyright© to their respective owners.

And to think, I hadn't intended to post anything on this blog. XD

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