
You're just jealous! I'd like to see you do better!

It astounds me how many people use one or both of these things as an argument point when both are ridiculous. For instance, someone will mention that he dislikes something, and a person who likes it will start going on about how that guy is obviously jealous of the person who made whatever it is that is disliked. Excuse me, what? How in the world does disliking something equate jealously? If I dislike, say, a cake, does that mean I'm actually jealous of the person who created that cake? I think not; that's just absolutely ludacris.

One of the biggests instances in which I see this implimented is with artwork or books, a specific example being Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. Anyone who says that they don't like the novels or who criticizes them will surely be met with a rabid fan screaming about how that person is just jealous of Meyer. Again, this is ridiculous. I'm sure that these people who dislike the novels have their reasons, even if some of them are as irrational as saying that the series is just too popular. Is the implication then that they're just jealous because of the novels' popularity? That seems to be the reasoning behind the fans' attacks, but really, that just doesn't make sense. As I said, I think that disliking something just because it's popular is irrational, but that doesn't mean that the person is jealous. If anything, you'd think that a jealous person would want to get in on the popular trend of series so that they too might become popular.

I find this cry particularly interesting when the person saying they dislike something is offering legitimate critique. It almost comes across like the fans are blind that their beloved series--or whatever it is--could have any sort of flaws. Everything has flaws, and just because someone points them out as a reason that he dislikes something doesn't mean that he is jealous. Just because someone disagrees or has different tastes does not mean jealousy, nor does it mean their an idiot, which is another thing that drives me nuts.

True, there is a legitimate grey area when it comes to people. On occasion, someone will be jealous of someone else and shows signs of having an aversion to them, but that doesn't mean that all cases are like this. Sometimes people just really do not like one another and it has nothing to do with jealousy. Automatically assuming or accusing someone of being jealous is silly and irrational.

In any case, the notion of people thinking that disliking something equates jealousy just baffles me. Another thing that baffles me is the argument "I'd like to see you do better!" or similarly, "As if you can do any better!" To me, not only is this a feeble attack, as well as an admission that whatever it is is not quite as good as it could or even ought to be, but it is also bogus. Someone does not need to be practiced in something or an expert at it to be able to critique it. As an example, I'm not the best singer in the world, but I can still offer critique to other singers who need help. So, just because I'm not as good as they are means that my opinion and critique is invalid? I don't think so. Maybe I can't actually, physically, materially do any better than that person, but that doesn't give them an excuse to be lax and it doesn't mean that my opinions are worthless. I cannot figure skate, but if I see a performance that is sloppy or could be a little better and I voice my opinion, does that mean I shouldn't talk unless I can personally do better? No. That's just ridiculous. Obviously, I'm basing my opinion off of something, whether it's as mundane as my own personal preferences or the fact that I've seen it done better elsewhere. Just because I cannot do it myself, doesn't mean my input should be discounted as worthless.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is as coherant as I would like it to be, but it is what it is. If need be, I'll come back and edit/add to it.


  1. I agree/disagree with you.

    I think that sometimes it can be a valid argument but most of the times it's just a dumb explanation as to why something you like must be liked by all.

    First of all, there are no 2 same people right? So not everyone is going to like Lady Gaga's new single or Collegehumor's new video..one kind of people are into NASCAR, one are into F1..for me NASCAR isn't exciting at all, only the crashes are exciting, and if you really want to see fast cars, then F1 is way better, the cars are so much faster, there's much more overtaking and skill involved and hey, there are two-sided turns for Christ sakes! Did they just put one huge left turn so the NASCAR drivers don't get confused? But I'd be bashed so much for saying this in a NASCAR fan crowd..same goes with this argument, of course when you attack something another person loves you are going to get into an argument, but "Ur Jealous" is so stupid...

    Another situation is this; I have this really good friend and when he buys something, EVERYBODY has to know...on the other hand I don't brag about almost anything; material or otherwise..this time he got a Nokia N97 phone (I have a very old phone) and he was holding it in his hand the whole night and he was saying: "5Megapixels! Wow....you can only imagine that >> (to me)"..and that's when I had enough because he was quite annoying and I told him: "Dude, nobody cares, I don't want a 5Megapixel camera in my phone, I got my camera"..to which he replies "Hahahaahaha, you are so jealous!", I try to tell him that I just hate people who brag and nobody likes them, but the more facts I bring up he just keeps saying: "Hah, you can see you are so jealous"...Damn, I hate that stuff....but I let it slide, cuz I'm not a one to hold a grudge..

    But I hate it when some judges apply the opposite of this; look at Britain's Got Talent for example; Simon Cowell can't do 95% of the acts yet he is so cold to the actors; now I understand it's a part of what makes the show work and you need harsh criticism but I've seen above decent shows getting bashed by him smugly, I'd like to see a contestant say "You wish you could do better", the only problem is the rigged audience (by cards OFC)..

  2. I see what you're saying about Simon Cowell, but that's a very iffy area in my opinion. I agree, lots of it is probably an act--with public figures like that, it's very hard to discern between a persona and the person himself. At the same time, the "above decent" acts are your opinion of them. Maybe Simon is just a really crotchety guy who's very difficult to please, or maybe he's just an irrational human being. I don't know with him. Regardless, I don't know that "you wish you could do better" is a valid argument here. I think Simon is quite content where he is and doesn't "wish he could do better." I don't know, I just still don't think it's a good argument. =\

    As for your friend who's the bragging king, it sounds more to me like he WANTS you to be jealous. Part of me thinks that sounds equally ridiculous, but I don't know why else he would be constantly flashing these things in your face as if you're supposed to care.

  3. Because he is an asshole ^^

    And Simon isn't only smug on stage, he is a very smug and overconfident person (when appearing on shows), I just wish there was someone who can put him in his place..
